Murdock Alliance grant funded!

The lab has received a new collaborative grant from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust.  Here is the detailed information:

"This is an $80,000 grant (over two years) to study nervous system development in zebrafish embryos.  This formal collaboration with two other principal investigators at Whitworth University (Aaron Putzke) and Reed College (Kara Cerveny) will establish a regional research alliance by bringing together scientists pursuing similar research goals using advanced imaging technologies. The Collaborative Research Alliance Pilot Initiative will establish a virtual “Center for Excellence” in the Pacific Northwest: the total amount awarded to all three institutions is $240,000, and will also involve Drs. Greg Hermann and Norma Velázquez-Ulloa at Lewis & Clark, and computational biologists at Reed and Whitworth. The project will bring a number of researchers and undergraduates together to better understand how the nervous system develops, foster research-rich teaching environments, and enhance the sharing of data and expertise across the region."
